
Class 2 Information and Photos 2024/25

Welcome to Class 2!
Class 2 is made up of Year 1 and Year 2 children and is situated in a bright, well-equipped classroom with stunning views across the Riverford fields, we can even spot some alpacas! The class is taught by Miss Capaldi and is supported by Mrs Drew (Mon-Thurs) and Miss Raymont (Mon-Fri). Mrs Ryder covers Miss Capaldi's out of class time on a Friday afternoon, and Mr Tanner teaches the children for PE once a week on a Monday afternoon.
Our topic webs will tell you all about what we are getting up to throughout the year, and this page will be updated with all of our fabulous learning. We like to make as much of our learning as practical as possible in Class 2, using apparatus, visual aids and lots of oral rehearsal before writing or recording to ensure we feel secure. We work with a ‘have a go’ attitude and treat making mistakes as a positive way of learning. 
I hope you look forward to seeing our learning adventures this year! Please check back on this page and Facebook for Class 2 updates and photos.
Class 2 PE days are Monday and Thursday. Children should wear their PE kit into school on these days.
Useful Documents and Links:
Monday 09th September
Class Two really enjoyed their first PE lesson of the year all about invasion games. They had to get the rugby ball past their partner without being caught. Class Two had to be super speedy as they made their way to the end of the field!