
Class 4 Information 2024- 2025

Class 4 is where the journey through Landscove reaches its finale. The teaching team consists of Mrs Neville and Mrs Lunt, with TA support from Mrs Pearse and Mrs Price. Mr Tanner is in on Mondays to lead PE. 
We are looking forward to an exciting year, including trips, sporting events and a two-night residential. 
In this class, the aim is to fully prepare the children for what lies ahead when they take those first steps away from Landscove onto the next part of their educational journey. It’s always an interesting time watching the children grow and prepare for their futures. We hope that we have planted lots of seeds that will flourish!
Please see our Class Meeting document below for information on PE days and homework expectations.
Tuesday 17th September - Cross Country
Useful Links
12th September 
For our first lesson, we began investigating the force of gravity. After exploring the forces needed to make a collection of toys move, children tried to overcome the force of gravity by trying to lift a pingpong ball by attaching it to a straw and sucking. There was lots of laughter and several children managed it! We also discovered that two identical bottles with different masses of water actually reached the ground at the same time. This surprised most of the class and they quickly learnt that the force of gravity is the same regardless of an object's mass.