Pupil Voice at Landscove
Pupil voice is about the entire school community– pupils, teachers, support staff and leadership – actively listening to and valuing children’s contributions. It isn’t just about giving children a chance to speak; it’s about genuinely listening and engaging with their ideas and views.
Why does this matter? When children feel heard, it strengthens relationships and promotes a sense of community. Pupil voice groups also help develop children’s confidence, communication skills, and engagement in their education and a greater understanding of our vision and values in action as well as a greater understanding of British Values. We believe every child should feel valued and heard.
Not only does pupil voice benefit children, but it also provides a valuable opportunity for us. It demonstrates our vision and values in action and our dedication to continuous improvement - listening, adapting, and making positive changes.
We have the following pupil voice groups at Landscove: School Council, Children’s Ethos Group and an Eco Group. Each group meets once a fortnight.